When Testing Parts – What Do We Mean by “100% Inspection”?

CORE D new wide_aa


testing systems

When we talk about a 100% inspection or testing process in metrology we need to define our terms before we start. When we say – “100 Percent Inspection” or “100 Percent Testing” in metrology it means everything is tested or inspected.

But what do we mean by everything? Exactly what is tested?

100 Percent Inspection and Complete Quality Assurance

CMM Measuring | WENZEL America

100 Percent Inspection means every part is inspected – in other words all parts of a particular batch are tested against predetermined tolerances of defined features. It does not refer to testing every single quality feature on a part – that is called “Complete Testing” or “Complete Inspection” and is part of complete quality assurance.

“100% of testing is only 80% accurate.” – Dr. Juran

Core D machine

We all know that the best lean manufacturing and quality management  process is to avoid errors in manufacture by inspection before and during – so the process is corrected.

In an ideal world this happens long before they’re ready to be shipped.

This is, of course, the biggest focus at WENZEL America and it’s why we create so many custom CMM measuring solutions that fit into the production line and the shop floor.

Nevertheless, it is not an ideal world and we know automotive, medical device, and aerospace companies (your customers) increasingly demand parts manufacturers do 100% Inspection before shipping – regardless of the quality of their metrology processes before and during production.

With the right CMM measuring solutions at every phase you can make that 80% accuracy as close to 100% as possible.

The challenge for manufacturers when 100% Inspection is demanded before shipping is to reduce the time and spent to do it and still get the most accurate measurements possible.

How Do We Measure Large Batches of Parts with Precision and Speed?

Traditional CMM measuring and tactile measuring procedures are usually too slow to Core M machinemeet the very short measuring cycles required. Likewise, typical laser or light measurement solutions are limited due to fixed head orientation, measuring environment, shiny parts, etc.

Although WENZEL’s CORE series is ideal for increasing shop floor production speed, it was designed for all high-speed CMM measurement needs. The CORE’s optical measurement method and the high dynamic linear motors guarantee very short measuring cycles. Unlike other optical CMM measuring machines the CORE is surface independent. This cuts out the time-sucking surface preparations needed by most optical systems.

If 100% Testing and Inspection are what is being demanded of your customers there are really only two options for manufacturers:

1. Cut corners and set up the cheapest 100% Inspection system possible – which can result costly “bad parts”, fewer “good parts” to ship, and extra downtime due to slow, non-ideal testing methods.

2. Use a high-speed, highly accurate WENZEL CORE system customized to the exact 100% Inspection requirements your customers expect.

For more information about the CORE CMM measuring machines, advice on improving your measuring systems and 100% inspection processes you can contact WENZEL America by phone at 248.295.4300 or Contact us or find out more about Wenzel America.