Meet Alena!


Alena's Drawing of person standing by CMM machine

At Wenzel, we are proud to pass down the knowledge to tomorrow’s future workforce because we understand that these will be our co-workers someday. They will be the ones who will continue to carry out the important tasks we contribute to the field and our community.

One small example of this is Wenzel America’s participation in Manufacturing Day which takes place annually throughout the nation. Manufacturers open their doors to students to give them a taste of what the manufacturing world is about. For more information on Manufacturing Day and possible ways you can contribute, click here.


Another way we prepare students for the modern world is by having interns work alongside us. This year, we have been proud to host Alena Cook. Alena is a 17-year-old senior who comes to us from South Lyon High School although she is also completing a program at Oakland Schools Technical Campus.

Woman working with CMM machine

She is with us from August 2018 – May 2019 on Mondays through Thursdays. On Fridays, she heads back to OSTC to study more engineering topics like pneumatics, hydraulics, mechanics, and others.

Robot ArmAfter high school, Alena hopes to study Robotics Engineering at Lawrence Tech, Western Michigan University, or U of M – Dearborn. Her dream job would be anything that has to do with robotics like the arm robots that you would find in an assembly line. She also found out she is good at managing people so perhaps she might find herself managing a team of engineers while working at her robotics job. She also says she likes a challenge and working, which makes her a perfect candidate for the continuously improving and relevant robotics field.

So far, she has gotten a taste for our metrology software, she has been studying to pass the AUKOM Level 1 test which will prove her understanding of basic metrology topics, and she has also learned how our CMMs move, how to level them, and how to adjust the air gauges for proper functionality. Not bad for a high school senior!

What she hopes to get out of her internship is how an office works and how to interact with co-workers in a dynamic environment.

AlenaWhen she isn’t interning or taking care of her piles of homework, Alena loves to draw or play video games such as first-person shooters. Don’t pick sides, game geeks, she has both a PC and an XBox One.

We’re extremely glad her counselor pointed out Wenzel to her and we wish her the best in her future endeavors. Should you have any questions for Alena (or need someone to manage a team of engineers in the robotics field!), or just want to give her a warm welcome, don’t hesitate to contact her here or visit her LinkedIn page here. As always, make sure to check out what we’re all about at Wenzel by checking out our website here. Your next internship might be with us!