Whenever engine components for aviation or smaller marine gear units need to be measured, GT 900 is the ideal gear measuring machine. It is equipped with a movable tailstock—allowing this machine to be loaded easily.
The GT series offers the right solution for your measuring task: for small gears and rotationally symmetrical components. For easy loading of the gear measuring device, these machines are equipped with counter holders.
Whenever engine components for aviation or smaller marine gear units need to be measured, GT 900 is the ideal gear measuring machine. It is equipped with a movable tailstock. Therefore the measuring machine can be loaded easily. Using the tailstock parts with a maximum diameter of 900 mm can be measured. The GT of this size is equipped with active damping by standard. This assures high precision measurements of big parts even close to production.
One of our experts will show you the advantages of using our high-quality machines. Call for a demo today.
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