Besides our many satisfied customers who love our granite CMM machines, we now have an actual fan!
We recently got fan-mail from an actual Wenzel Fan; Okay she has a good reason to be a fan and get Wenzel fan-gear, her name is Courtney Wenzel, not a family member (as far as we know) but a native of Milwaukee WI of German descent.

We are also a fan of Courtney too because she personifies everything we love to see in young people growing up, aspiring to spend their careers in Engineering and Manufacturing.

Courtney is from an engineering family. Her Dad Jeff has worked in engineering and manufacturing all his career. Courtney went to school at New Berlin Eisenhower High School and pursued her interest in engineering at the renowned Milwaukee School of Engineering (MSOE) with which Wenzel America has cooperated on educational activities including the Additive Manufacturing Users Group (AMUG) Conference. While she was at MSO Courtney was active with the School’s winning Formula Hybrid race car program.

After working as an intern in design at ACS Group, this fall, Courtney has moved upward and onwards to pursue a Master’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering & Design at Stanford where as well as appreciating the warmer weather, Courtney is enjoying her project-based design class in which she is working on a project involving wheelchair accessibility in autonomous vehicles.

So far Courtney’s resume is that of the ideal person our manufacturing industries need to ensure future competitiveness, growth and prosperity. We wish her well and hope she stays a loyal Wenzel fan as she pursues her career.