New Computed Tomography expert joins the WENZEL America team

WENZEL America is thrilled to welcome Tim Benjamin to the team. He will take charge of the CT (Computed Tomography) department at Wixom.  

Tim moved to Michigan in 1999 after working as a drafting professional in Montana.  

Having knowledge of CAD, he applied for a 3D scanning position in Michigan. Not knowing what he was getting himself into, he was sure he would pick up the rest. Since then, he has been in metrology!  

New team member: Tim Benjamin

Tim shared that “Very few people choose metrology, metrology picks you! You get thrown in deep, and before you know it you are a metrologist!” 

In the past two decades he has worked with a variety of software, especially Polyworks and every major type of optical measuring system: laser-line, structured-light, long-range scanners, and laser trackers – all while delivering metrology services & support to an array of customers in many industries. 

He is excited about the opportunity and the service he will provide to customers seeking non-destructive testing and measurement. 

Tim’s enthusiasm for metrology is contagious – since his first job at Digibotics he never stopped learning more about the science of measurement. “I never get tired of seeing 3D data onscreen… I’ve been hooked since the very first time I saw it!” 

What makes CT so special for you? 

“The magic of CT is that we collect data all the way through an object – not just on the visible outer surfaces that an optical scanner sees – but the internal geometry too, including the ability to find voids inside the material that could otherwise only be found by cutting/destroying the part. The resolution is also hard to beat… very few optical systems can match CT. I have wanted to work directly with CT scanners ever since I saw my first CT dataset – about 15 years ago!”

An interesting exercise was to scan a wind-up TOMY toy robot Tim had had since childhood. He has always wondered how it was built and thanks to a quick scan has unlocked its advanced mysteries. “This robot is mostly plastic, but there are some essential metallic pieces, too: the metal coil spring and the winding shaft – key components in its renewable power source! Thanks to CT’s powerful feature of non-destructive analysis the mystery is solved.”

When looking at this toy with the WENZEL exaCT we can answer the question: what is computed tomography? ndt research at its best.
non-destructive testing, scanning a toy to see how it looks inside.

In his free time, he focuses on creating digital multimedia. “Ever since the 90’s, I have loved the capabilities that computers enable for digital imagery, music creation, and audio editing! I’ve also enjoyed dabbling with programming and automation starting way back with GWBASIC (GOTO 10!). Expanding from there into CAD, then into 3D scanning, and now into CT voxels just seems like a natural progression. Somewhere down there, it’s all just 1’s and 0’s!” 

Welcome to the WENZEL Team Tim! 

Contact WENZEL America if you are interested in the measurement of internal parts, material structure analysis, internal defect analysis, 3d scanning services and much more! Or visit our website and learn more about our CT Scanning machines