And for us… so does successful marketing.
When we started writing Metrology Matters at the beginning of 2015, we had one simple goal: To provide our readers with a better understanding of who Wenzel America is while delivering interesting content relative to manufacturing.
Maybe you can argue that’s two goals, but I say that if we do it right, they are one in the same.
Though we are very interested in all things CMM related, like our Granite, 5 Axis Probing Systems, and the intricacies of Fixturing, we realize that your world may not revolve around those things.
That’s why we’ve tried to include content that relates to other facets of manufacturing and industry, beyond Quality and black impala granite.
To do this, we’ve relied on guest contributors to help share information in areas where we may not be experts. These guests all represent companies, products, and technologies that contribute to the greater manufacturing world we live in. We asked them to participate because we thought their expertise had relevance to our customers, and because they just had great content!
Tech Financial Services – Helping You Finance Capital Equipment Purchases
Starting off in January we featured an interview with Matt Borman of Tech Financial Services. He shared highlights of leasing capital equipment, the pros and cons of leasing vs. buying including some of the reasons that leasing might make more sense for many buyers.
The information he shared was not only relevant to people interested in purchasing CMMs but for any capital equipment purchases you might be needing. Matt and his team had made the process very easy for our customers before we published his article and even more so since. To read more on the topic, Click Here.
Turbocam – Innovative 5-Axis Manufacturers
In February, we began a two part series featuring our customer TURBOCAM INTERNATIONAL. Because of their expertise in both 5-Axis machining and 5-axis scanning, we thought the team at TURBOCAM had a great story to tell about letting your manufacturing processes drive the technology you adopt throughout your plant.
They also explain how that approach can create a lasting impact on your productivity and ability to grow within your market. If you haven’t checked them out yet, you can find Turbocam Part One and Turbocam Part Two on the Wenzel America blog. You might just be inspired.
Fisher Unitech – Streamline Production with 3D Printing
Without a doubt, one of the most exciting areas of manufacturing right now is Additive Manufacturing, or as most people call it – 3D Printing. The applications and opportunities for innovation right now look pretty limitless. So we decided to partner with a local Michigan company, Fisher Unitech, to learn more about the 3D Printing world and how our metrology expertise fits in to its future.
In fact, we learned so much from them, we decided to partner for our open house, Metrology Matters Live! That crazy part you see in the videos was designed and manufactured by the team at Fisher Unitech to our unique specifications for our 7 Systems Analysis. The 3D printed part helped us to perform measurement comparisons that had never been done before. To learn how 3D Printing and additive manufacturing might relate to your business, check out our original post, How 3D printing could streamline your production floor.
Automation Alley – A Powerful Resource for Southeast Michigan Businesses
Another exciting partner story in 2015 was our collaboration with Automation Alley, a Southeastern Michigan business group whose mission is to grow the technology and manufacturing businesses of the region. One of their key initiatives this year has been providing start up support and guidance to young companies in the area. You can learn more about their support offerings in the article, What’s it mean to think locally and act globally?
Working with the team at “The Alley” has opened doors and provided opportunities to us that we would have been challenged to find otherwise, and has highlighted for us how important it is to be active in your local business community. We are fortunate to have Automation Alley here in SE Michigan but they are by no means the only group of their type. Every state and business hub in this country has similar groups that can offer resources, support, and networking opportunities to help you grow your company and your manufacturing community. Go find them! You won’t regret it.
Good partnerships – Guarantees mutual success
Finally, we dedicated numerous posts this year to the products, services, and support provided by our most trusted partners – Our Sales Reps, our Gear partner, Liebherr, and, of course, Renishaw.
These partnerships are very important to the continued success we have enjoyed and our growth in the future. But, they are also companies that provide services and products our customers need beyond CMMs and metrology. They all have other facets to their business that we think make them worth knowing for you.
Everything from; calibration services, equipment, and automation systems to tools and accessories for your manufacturing floor – Our partners can make a difference in your processes.
So here’s a special shout out and thanks to our contributors, partners and colleagues who helped make this a most successful year for Wenzel America.
And Thank You – our readers too!
Whether you’re a customer or you’re just enjoying our content – hopefully we’ve succeeded in providing you with some new ideas or insights while showing you who we are at Wenzel America. We hope that the info we provide is engaging and relevant to the challenges you face in your shop and we hope you keep coming back to learn more. See you in 2016!