WM | Quartis R12019-2 is now available

WM | Quartis R2019-2 the latest release of the WENZEL flagship measuring software offers many new features and countless improvements for all applications and users.
You can benefit amongst others from the following innovations:
- New position tolerance according to ISO GPS and ASME Y14.5
- Optical high-speed scanning on WENZEL CORE measuring machines
- Supports the new WENZEL WM | MMA measuring arms and measuring arms from KREON Technologies
- Operates with the optical line scanner WENZEL WM | LS
- Controls the Renishaw Equator gauging system
- Increases productivity with Renishaw REVO 5-axis measuring systems
Training courses are available at our Wixom MI location. Alternatively, courses can be arranged at a customer’s facility by special request. Call 248 295 4300 and speak with Nick Papadakos or contact us here.