A little while ago everyone’s favorite customer – one that is growing and expanding, contacted us. Due to increased business, this Tier 2 supplier needed the right metrology solution and they needed it right now.
Luckily, we are experts in two things – the right metrology solution and “right now.”
The company was a mid-sized Michigan manufacturer in Macomb County. They specialize in heavy truck and military applications and they wanted a quality, used measuring machine to upgrade their measuring processes.
We’d just put up the listing for a newly refurbished and upgraded, value pre-owned measuring machine when they called us and said they wanted it, sight unseen. Perfect customer. All we needed to do was ship.
Only one problem – it wasn’t what they needed.
Don’t get us wrong, we love to recycle granite and we love giving our customers what they want, but what we love more is solving metrology problems and giving customers the absolute best metrology solution that fits their needs and does the measuring job they want done.
Our real mission is giving you the exact technology you need to increase your production line quality and increase your throughput and speed.
If we can do that by recycling old granite with top to bottom refurb and the latest measuring machine software, we will. But what we won’t do, is sell you something that isn’t the best long-term investment just because it’s what we have ready to ship or because its easier than giving you the best metrology solution for you.
After talking to Drew Shemanski, our Great Lakes Regional Sales Manager, they realized the Mitutoyu CMM they saw would not really do the job they needed done. Drew has more than a decade of solving the toughest metrology problems and he helped this customer figure out exactly what they needed which was what they really wanted all along.
The best long-term investment ended up being a new XCite DCC measuring machine with the latest OpenDMIS 5.5 software. The small jump in investment is going to pay off with a truly future-proof CMM system that gives the quality assurance they actually need plus a much longer product life cycle.
Moving Fast to Meet Customer Needs
From the first call, there was no mistaking the urgency of getting the right measuring machine as quickly as possible. With that in mind, the Wenzel America team consulted them onsite and got their technician into our CMM training facility immediately to get up to speed on the new measuring machine and OpenDMIS 5.5.
Our goal was to get the new XCite DCC fully operational in their company as soon as possible and get their quality assurance processes going at full tilt.
Total time from initial phone call all the way through measuring problem discovered, measuring problem solved, measuring machine training done, and measuring machine installed? A month? Three weeks?
How about one week. That’s right, one week. That’s all it took.
The stability and accuracy of our all-granite frames is of equal importance to us as our ability to be agile, fast and innovative.
Looking for CMM Training on a Wenzel measuring machine you already own?
Contact us or call us at 248-295-4300. Our metrology experts can help you with high-value pre-owned machines or the latest Wenzel measuring machines from shop-floor to gantry CMMs, 3D non-contact measurement, and everything in between.