WENZEL offers three types of training
Over the past couple of years WENZEL’s training specialists have come across many questions, tips, and tricks in OpenDMIS and QUARTIS that we have consolidated into a quick read. You may learn a few new things and if you are a manager, you might learn what your metrologist could be struggling with in general with the CMM software they are using.
WENZEL America offers three types of training to companies and individuals: online, onsite and custom group. We encourage continued development to build confidence in the employees’ skills and knowledge of software and hardware. We are also one of the leading providers of AUKOM training in North America.

Offering regular training is an important part of our business to make sure that our customers and aspiring metrologist are well acquainted with their work tools.
This has resulted in a treasure trove of knowledge for our trainers on how to best apply the material to new groups or tailor training programs for customers. With the experience WENZEL has built over the years there are certain challenges or questions that pop up in the class most often.
After learning how to effectively measure parts, many customers struggle with integrating the CMM into their overall quality process. Whether writing customized reports, or sending data electronically across the network, managing the results can be daunting at first. This is why we find onsite training to be so effective. It gives our team a chance to work directly in the customer environment and tackle some of the challenges of plugging the CMM into the overall system, which makes the customer more effective in a shorter amount of time.
OpenDMIS users do not realize the power they have in the drag and drop options that enable them to use the software optimally. Rather than diving through cascading menus, users can drag and drop items like features, tolerances, and report settings into the interface of OpenDMIS making repetitive tasks simple and efficient.
Quartis is extremely powerful, satisfying quality masters while at the same time easy to pick up for newer quality hires. QUARTIS’ Quick Solution Table is one of the easiest ways to measure more parts faster with no difficulty for the user. This work window will give you a couple of options on how to set up and start measuring the part. Watch the video our partner Christian Klostermann did to explain how easy this method will optimize your workflow.
The guided workflows with full GD&T explanation make programs quick to create and the database allows you to modify existing measurements without the need to start a new feature measurement. Lastly, with full statistical process control included in every QUARTIS license, measurement stats can be fed back into your company’s SPC at no extra cost.

When it comes to software people always want to know when the latest and greatest will be out! Every new software version is designed to make life for the user easier and better. Yes, when the latest is easier to use than the previous version, why not get the latest? We make it easy through WENZEL’s maintenance agreement when you buy your CMM. We offer updates twice a year during Fall and Spring for QUARTIS. OpenDMIS does not have scheduled releases.
WENZEL will be offering AUKOM training in January 2023!
Don’t know what AUKOM is? It is a global training standard for production coordinate measurement practices. Consisting of three levels, AUKOM provides skills and knowledge which can be applied to any metrology or manufacturing environment. The curriculum gives teams a common metrology language to ensure a smoother workflow and more effective process control.
Invest in your team, register for 2023 training today.